Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Lijiang and Shangri-La are located in Yunnan, which will someday become one of the world's travel hot spots. Lijiang and Shangri-La are clearly the prime Yunnan stars. Because they have different personalities.
The reconstruction efforts were designed with tourists in mind. Today, Lijiang old town teems with handicraft shops, restaurants and other enterprises geared for visitors.
Streams and canals gently pass through Lijiang old town, as they have for over six centuries. These narrow waterways are shaded by graceful willow trees and crossed by small bridges.
Some romantics would prefer to have the town reconstructed exactly as it was in 1995. Apparently they never saw it then. It had become somewhat grungy and run down - and hardly like it was in its heyday.

The natural beauty of China's remote Shangri-La is stunning. You are surrounded by scenic snow-capped peaks, forested mountain slopes, mirror-like lakes, rustic farms, and green pastures where shaggy yaks and fleecy sheep graze. The landscape is timeless, the air fresh and exhilarating.

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